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Cooma car club

Shannons "Wheels" ACT (Queanbeyan)

  • 6 Mar 2022
  • 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Queanbeyan


Registration is closed

On Behalf of the Council of ACT Motor Clubs (CACTMC) and SHannons, Southern Tablelands Heritage Automotive Restorers Club (STHARC) of Queanbeyan have taken on the task of presenting Shannons Wheels 2020.

STHARC would like to invite all CACTMC affiliated clubs and members to participate in WHEELS 2020, at the Queanbeyan Show grounds, Sunday the 1st of March 2020.

The event will include Cars, Trucks, MotorBikes and Caravans, with a trophy for best club display.


Trade stands and food vans will be on site. 

 ALL DONATIONS to the Cancer Council ACT for cancer research.

MAIN GATE ENTRY is on GLEBE AVE. THis gate will be open to participants from 7:00am on Sunday morning to faciliate an early start to have ALL VEHICLES on display by 9:30am.

EVENT open to the public from 10:00am till 3:00pm. We would like ALL vehicles to remain on display till 1:00pm, as per our public liability insurance cover.

AWARDS. Club Trophy winner will be announced at 12:45pm at the Shannons tent.

Please advice STHARC of your clubs attendance and the number of spaces required BY THE 14th of February 2020 for allocation of the area required. 

ENTRY is a GOLD COIN DONATION payable at the gate.

Gates open 7:00am for the club entry to arrange a vehicle display

More information available on the STHARC WEB SITE.

STHARC Contact:  Joe Vavra 0407 331 048

 STHARC Secratary: Lawrie Nock. Email:


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