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Cooma car club

Junior Development Motorkana

  • 23 Oct 2022
  • “Long House” 28 Polo Flat Rd, Cooma NSW
  • 7


Registration is closed

Cooma Monaro Historic Automobile Club

in conjunction with

Motorsport Australia

Junior Development Program 2022

CMHAC and Motorsport Australia will continue to build on the interest and success of our previous programs. The program will feature a motorkhana on October 23rd for juniors, comprising some basic car maintenance sessions followed by a motorkhana, initially with an experienced instructor in the vehicle. The participants will receive a CAMS L2S licence and CMHAC Junior Membership subsidised by the car club, as part of their $35 entry fee.

Participants will also have the use of 4 club cars of varying specifications for the day if they do not have access to or wish to use a suitable vehicle of their own. The motorkhana will develop and improve their car handling skills at lower speeds in a safe environment.

The second session of the program will be a 'Come and Try' hillclimb on November 19th at Mt Gladstone. This event will be open to all first time participants as well as the motorkhana group who will receive automatic entry. Participants will learn some valuable driving skills at a higher speed, under controlled conditions. Again they will have the use of suitably prepared club cars for this event. The second day of the hillclimb weekend is an open hillclimb where participants can observe the running of and competition aspect of a speed event. Participants will be encouraged to join in as trainee officials for the day which will let them be close to the action and hopefully inspire them to continue their experiences as either a competitor or an official, preferably both.

Apart from improving their driving skills and car knowledge, one of the desired outcomes of the program is to attract younger members to motorsport, which will allow them to enjoy and practise their driving skills under controlled conditions on a closed road. Alternatively they will have the option of experiencing motorsport at close hand by becoming and event official. A second important outcome is the continued membership of participants, and in many cases, other family members.

Participation is limited to boys and girls aged 14 to 17 years, although those 12 and 13 years old may enter the motorkhana with an entry available to the hillclimb once they reach 14 years.

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